KIT DESCRIPTION In one convenient kit you get a 28" x 44" all-in-one poster with the 18 state and federal notices every California employer must post, plus one 20-pack each of the six pamphlets employees must receive. In fact, the kit costs less than buying required posters and pamphlets separately. Even if you employ only one person in California, you are required to post current employment notices and distribute certain pamphlets. Be sure to display a poster in each business location where employees can easily see it and read it. You'll need both English and Spanish kit versions if you have Spanish-speaking employees. Remember, you must separately post the Wage Order(s) specific to your industry. Use our free Wage Order Wizard to identify which of the 17 industry Wage Orders you need, and then click the provided link to download a free PDF of your Wage Order. PRODUCT FEATURES Choose from a compliance kit with a paper or laminated all-in-one poster in English or Spanish: Single poster with required California and federal notices Required California and Federal Employment Notices: Transgender Rights in the Workplace Healthy Workplaces/Healthy Families Act of 2014 - Paid Sick Leave Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW Notice to Employees (EDD: UI, DI and PFL) California Minimum Wage Federal Minimum Wage Your Rights Under USERRA Safety and Health Protection on the Job (Cal/OSHA) Notice to Employees-Injuries Caused by Work (Division of Workers' Compensation) California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment (DFEH) Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee Family Care and Medical Leave (CFRA Leave) and Pregnancy Disability Leave Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act Whistleblowers Are Protected Time Off to Vote Employee Polygraph Protection Act Emergency Contacts Payday Notice The required pamphlets in our compliance kit include 20 each of the following: Sexual Harassment pamphlet (required at hire) Workers' Compensation Rights & Benefits pamphlet (required at hire) State Disability Insurance pamphlet (required at hire and for any employee taking a leave of absence for a covered reason) Paid Family Leave pamphlet (required at hire and for any employee requiring a leave of absence for a covered reason) Unemployment Insurance pamphlet (required for any staff member who is terminated, laid off or takes a leave of absence) Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking pamphlet (required at hire and on request)