  • Jane Nye Appointed to Triunfo Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

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    February 12, 2020
    Jane Nye, a 30-year resident of Oak Park, has been appointed as a Director of the Triunfo Water & Sanitation District, filling the vacancy created by Susan Pan’s resignation on Dec. 17. Nye took the oath of office at a special meeting of the Triunfo Water & Sanitation District board on Tuesday, Feb. 11. She was one of three applicants interviewed by the Board for the open position.
    James Wall, District board chairman, stated, “I would like to congratulate Ms. Nye on her appointment to the TWSD board and thank all of the applicants for their interest in serving the community. On behalf of all board members, I am pleased to have the board vacancy filled so we can focus on the challenges we have in front of us. We remain committed to providing high quality water and sanitation services to our customers.”
    In addition to Wall, directors Janna Orkney, Leon Shapiro, and vice chairman Raymond Tjulander participated in the interview and appointment process. Triunfo Water & Sanitation District Board members are elected at large and serve staggered four-year terms – Nye will serve out Pan’s term through Dec. 2020.
    Nye is a software business operation manager with Keysight Technologies. She attended Boston University and holds an MBA from California Lutheran University. She currently serves as Vice Chair of the Oak Park Municipal Advisory Council.
    Commenting on her appointment to the TWSD Board, Nye said, “I believe we need a full partnership, a vision, to improve our community. I am committed to taking action and providing a better quality of life for our community by ensuring a clean supply of drinking water and sanitation services.” Nye continued, “We are ambassadors. We are the public’s representatives to help oversee the water system, and we are also the system’s representatives to tell Triunfo Water & Sanitation District’s story to the media and the public.”
    UAbout TWSD
    Triunfo Water & Sanitation District provides sewage collection services and wastewater treatment, supplies potable water, and treats and sells recycled water in the southeastern portion of Ventura County. The District covers approximately 50 square miles and serves a population in excess of 30,000. For additional information, visit triunfowsd.com.
    Sandy Warren, Public Affairs
    SandyWarren@vrsd.com, (805) 658-4608