  • Information Communication & Technology Working Group

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    March 03, 2022
    The Workforce Development Board of Ventura County is beginning to convene our Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Working Group.   The purpose of our working groups is to clarify the needs of sector employers, identify program gaps we need, and regional support programs that will meet the needs of job seekers and employers.   
    This working group will advise essential and exciting regional projects to meet employers' needs. Two of the first projects the working group will work on are:
    1. Advise the Ventura County Work-Based Learning Consortium's development of ICT career pathways from K-12 through career
    2. Advise the new $5-million-dollar Digital Upskilling initiative championed by Assembly member Jacqui Irwin and implemented by the EDC.  
    During our first meeting, we want to listen to employers about their current needs to ensure that these existing initiatives are designed with the needs of employers at the center! 
     Our first meeting will be on Zoom on Tuesday, March 8th, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm.

     RSVP: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsfu-prjssEtEHqzW9QYPSbIozpvqko-NY

     We hope to see you there! Please help spread the word!
    Don Frick
    donald.frick@ventura.org, (805) 807-6645