  • Villa Esperanza Services

    • Organizations - Non-Profit
    80 E. Hillcrest Dr. # 206
    Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
    (805) 446-1939
    (805) 446-1959 (fax)
    Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5pm

    About Us

    Villa is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering children, adults, and seniors with special needs. Our mission is to provide love, care, and hope for individuals with read more
    • About

      Villa is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering children, adults, and seniors with special needs. Our mission is to provide love, care, and hope for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families. We create a transformative environment to empower neurodivergent individuals to reach their fullest potential and lead fulfilling lives.

      Villa is a multi-service agency that offers a lifetime of independence and care for people with I/DD—from early childhood interventions to senior services. Villa serves more than 650 children and adults each year, facing the many challenges that come with over 30 different diagnosed disabilities. Villa is one of the leading advocates for people with I/DD in Los Angeles County - helping thousands of people of all ages manage adversity and challenges.

      In Ventura County, we offer ''Person-Centered'' services for adults, including Employment Services, Community Integration Program, and Independent Living Skills Program. These programs equip adults with the necessary tools and support to lead fulfilling lives, foster a sense of belonging, and integrate into their communities.

      We believe that every individual, regardless of their abilities, deserves a life filled with love, support, and boundless opportunity. We are always seeking new partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations who share our mission of providing love, care, and hope for individuals with I/DD and their families. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to thriv

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